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Wanita tergendut di dunia

Wanita asal New Jersey, Amerika Serikat yang kini berbobot 273 kilogram (kg) ini berniat menambah bobotnya menjadi 457 kg.
Untuk melancarkan niatnya, ia selalu mengkonsumsi 12 ribu kalori per hari, dengan memakan 70 potong sushi, yang menjadi makanan favoritnya, hanya dengan sekali duduk.
Simpson mulai hobi makan saat ia masih bersuamikan seorang koki yang selalu membawa makanan ke rumah.
Hasil pernikahannya itu mereka mendapatkan seorang putra, namun kemudian bercerai. Setelah itu, tubuhnya mulai ‘membengkak’. Dia pun mencoba untuk melakukan diet, tapi akhirnya gagal.
Dia pun kembali menemukan jodohnya di dunia maya yang mempertemukan pasangan yang memang memiliki bobot lebih.
Ketika Simpson melahirkan anak keduanya, 19 dokter dan beberapa perawat membantunya melahirkan dengan jalan operasi cesar.
Seperti dilansir Orange, Kamis (14/4/2011), ketika melahirkan putrinya tersebut, bobotnya telah mencapai 241 kg

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Kehabisan bahan kaleiiiiiiiii .......... ?

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Fashion Show Indonesia

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Fashion Show

School Fashion Show

School Fashion Show
Read all about the school fashion show
Sat, 08/10/2011 - 08:00
This is place holder text to show you what the site would look like with content added, schools can easily edit any text on the site to make it relevant to their own school.This is place holder text to show you what the site would look like with content added, schools can easily edit any text on the site to make it relevant to their own school.This is place holder text to show you what the site would look like with content added, schools can easily edit any text on the site to make it relevant to their own school.This is place holder text to show you what the site would look like with content added, schools can easily edit any text on the site to make it relevant to their own school.This is place holder text to show you what the site would look like with content added, schools can easily edit any text on the site to make it relevant to their own school.This is place holder text to show you what the site would look like with content added, schools can easily edit any text on the site to make it relevant to their own school.This is place holder text to show you what the site would look like with content added, schools can easily edit any text on the site to make it relevant to their own school.This is place holder text to show you what the site would look like with content added, schools can easily edit any text on the site to make it relevant to their own school.

This is place holder text to show you what the site would look like with content added, schools can easily edit any text on the site to make it relevant to their own school.This is place holder text to show you what the site would look like with content added, schools can easily edit any text on the site to make it relevant to their own school.This is place holder text to show you what the site would look like with content added, schools can easily edit any text on the site to make it relevant to their own school.This is place holder text to show you what the site would look like with content added, schools can easily edit any text on the site to make it relevant to their own school.

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Busana Muslim Qirani

Distributor Busana Muslim Qirani, busana muslimah dari bahan kaos yang berkualitas nyaman dipakai dengan model gamis dan atasan. Tersedia juga baju muslim anak dan baju muslim remaja dari bahan kaos.

Busana Muslim Qirani
Busana Muslim Qirani Model 27

Busana Muslim Qirani
Busana Muslim Qirani Model 28

Busana Muslim Qirani
Busana Muslim Qirani Model 65

Busana Muslim Qirani
Busana Muslim Qirani Model 29

Busana Muslim Qirani
Busana Muslim Qirani Model 59

Busana muslim Qirani
Busana Muslim Qirani Model 67

Disunting oleh : Cintren

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Busana Muslim MyRin

MyRin Edisi Oktober

Busana Muslim MyRin

Disunting oleh : Cintren
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Busana Muslim Tuneeca

Busana Tuneeca Edisi Blooming Back.

Tuneeca Blooming Back Cover 

Tuneeca Size Pack

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